The impact of Grit, Growth mindset and Deliberate practice on E-learning

Present-day need for e-learning is on an increase more than ever. Whilst students are encouraged to engage with e-leaning irrespective of the education level and the system appear to have answered all the requirements; the effect of non-cognitive skills towards the success of e-learning needs to be explored further. Research conducted on Grit, Growth Mindset and, Deliberate Practice shows that high levels of the said concepts will lead students to achieve better results in learning. However, the same need to be investigated on e-learning platforms keeping the contextual variations from physical classroom to an e-learning platform. The proposed research will help to improve the e-learning strategies.

  • Grit: Passion and perseverance towards a long-term goal (A. Duckworth, 2018)
  • Growth Mindset: belief that abilities can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and instruction from others (C. Dweck, 2017)
  • Deliberate Practice: a special type of practice that is purposeful and systematic (Anders Ericsson, 2008)

The project aims to explore and investigate the importance of Grit, Growth Mindset and, Deliberate practice in e-learning platforms targeting undergraduate and postgraduate students. The project will measure the applicability of techniques that can be used to enhance the level of the said concepts in e-learning.

A mixed method research methodology will be utilized to conduct the research.

Supervisors : :
  • Dr. Iresha Chamindi

Project Status : Pending proposal to FGSR