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Ms. Ishari Amarasinghe

Collaborative Learning Scripts and Learning Analytics

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Ms. Anjalie Gamage

Computer Vision based Attentiveness Detection API for E-learning

Detecting facial key points, analyzing facial expressions and predicting attentiveness level percentage provided during the e- learning session based on the analyzed facial expressions.Detecting body key points, analyzing body language and posture and predicting attentiveness level percentage provided during the e- learning session based on the analyzed body movements.

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Ms. Kushnara Suriyawansa

Learning Styles based Checklist for Instructional Material Features in E-learning

E-learning is a rapidly growing industry with a large number of users around the globe. The learning process of e-learning mainly depends on different learning techniques of instructional materials provided in the learning environment. Learning materials are the key component of comprehending information in an e-learning environment.

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Ms. Iresha Donmanige

Grit and Growth Mindset

Grit, Growth mindset and Deliberate Practice are not inculcated in majority of the student population due to many socio cultural reasons.Accustomed in person classroom environment has shifted to virtual platform where learning isn’t scheduled to be done at prescribed times.Time management skills are scarce among many learners.

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Ms. Uthpala Samarasinghe

Handling plagarism in a Project based module

Social loafing is a behavior where certain students fail to contribute their fair share of effort when compared to the other students of the group.Project Based Learning plays a major role in current undergraduate education.Group projects are common in Information Technology (IT) studies.

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Dr. Shyam Reyal

Small Group Tutorials For Effective (e)Teaching & Learning

Small Group Tutorials are an effective curriculum delivery method which maximises learning outcomes, student satisfaction, teacher-student engagement, and bond between student and institute. This talk draws inspiration from successful cases both locally and internationally, and identifies some of the challenges and solutions of having Small Group tutorials at SLIIT.